Friday, December 30, 2011

60th encaustic workshop

I will be offering my 60th encaustic workshop, Jan. 16th and 17th. The advanced techniques workshop follows on the 19th and 20th and a new solo show opens Jan. 14th. The new year is starting off with a bang! I have a couple of private students also. I haven't had much time to work in the studio. It is a good thing I spent most of last fall working.

6" x 6"encaustic on board. SOLD

6" x 6" encaustic on board. SOLD

6" x 6" encaustic on board, SOLD

6" x 6" encasutic on board

Monday, December 19, 2011

finished encaustic painting

I finished the Pepper Tree painting today. I wish there were someway I could get an image of this that would show the layering and texture, but until I can figure that out, here is the image.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Carved encaustic

 I got my Internet back Wednesday. 12 days without was frustrating.

This is a painting I have been working on for a while. I am almost finished. My inspiration for the carving was  huge pepper tree across the street. I still am planning on adding red berries with the hot pen.

detail of layering
I finally got the layering luminosity on the bottom that I wanted. Many layers with clear medium between. I also rubbed on some oil stick then covered it with medium.

carving of leaves

Friday, December 9, 2011

no Internet!

I have not had an Internet connection at home in a week. I confess that I feel isolated without it. Right now I am sitting in a comfy chair at the Italian Coffee Company, surrounded by others busy on their computers.

Telmex, the Mexican phone company, assured me today (my third visit to them) that I will have Internet service mañana --- we all know what that means in Mexico. I also have been without a land line in 2 weeks. Interesting that the phone is seldom important, except to talk to family in the States, but the Internet --- that is a huge frustration.

I am almost finished with a new painting and will post an image as soon as possible.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

encaustic over oil

This little painting, 12' x 12' sold last week. It was a very old oil painting that had sat around for years. I softened the surface with neutral oil stick from R & F and had some fun making it into a new painting.

Perhaps after all the abstracts I created for the show, I need to make some more figures. I am starting to miss painting the figure and faces.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Different encaustic techniques

The director of Galeria 6 will be picking up the work for the show that opens Saturday. So, I have taken some time to experiment with textures and techniques for a wall painting. I built up lots of varied colored layers, sprayed water into the molten encaustic to cause the pitting. I scraped a lot; used charcoal and a black Mexican glue that burns. It took seven days of continual work and I am not sure how I feel about the finished painting. What do you think?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

review of coming show


A Dialogue of Two Artists
Ezshwan Winding and Paola Uribe Gaudry at Galeria 6
By nick Hamblen
 There are those wonderful moments in life when things just fall together, perfectly, leaving no doubt that all is well, and as it should be, in the Universe. Such has been the case in the pairing and exhibition of the works of Ezshwan Winding and Paola Uribe Gaudry which opens tomorrow at Galeria 6 in Mineral de Pozos.
   Though these two artist have never met, and will indeed not do so until the opening tomorrow, I believe you will as was I, be amazed at the synchronicity and dialog that sizzles between their respective styles.
   Winding, well known to San Miguel as the local maestra of encaustic painting and in her third show at Galeria 6, has produced a body of entirely new work that will amaze even her die hard fans and collectors for it’s depth, intensity and execution. In a career spanning over sixty years this award-winning artist has devoted the last thirteen years to the mastery of the encaustic technique.
  Says Winding “ My process is much like analyzing a dream. Layer after layer is applied, scraped, incised, fused and marked to allow the truth of the piece to speak. The revealed layers whisper their subtle messages.” We could not agree more.
   In her first appearance at Galeria 6, Paola Uribe Gaudry is showing a group of dreamy landscapes that she calls “Horizons” executed primarily in ink and resin. These ethereal paintings invite the viewer into a place that the Gaudry describes as “where memory, imagination and feeling meet on the horizon.”
   In her twenty year career as a painter and art educator Gaudry has successfully explored many intriguing themes. In these superb landscapes she challenges us to stop for a moment to contemplate the beauty of the fleeting and increasingly ephemeral moment.
   There is here in the bodies of work by these two artists, an integrity that will not be lost on true lovers of fine art.
"If These Walls Could Talk"

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Newest encaustic show

I have not met the other artist yet. I believe she works in acrylic on canvas, but it looks as if our work will be compatible.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sold out of the studio!

Arms Wide Open, encaustic on board, 24" x 24"

Arms Wide Open With Love, 24" x 40"encaustic on board
The gallery director for my new show is coming this afternoon to photograph my new series. This morning, I had a studio visit and already sold these two.  That is a good omen.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Guatemalan flowers

This will be the last posting of photos from Guatemala. I hope you enjoy them. I am still under the spell of the colors and tropical foliage.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

faces of Antigua, and a very happy me!

I started drawing faces when I was 8 years old. Instead of working in my math workbook, I observed my classmates faces and was captivated for the rest of my life... It took me many years to even consider making a painting, or taking a photograph without a person the central focus.

I still love faces and here are some examples of my trip to Guatemala, including a shot of me enjoying my continuing dream of experiencing different cultures . I am blessed!