Friday, December 30, 2011

60th encaustic workshop

I will be offering my 60th encaustic workshop, Jan. 16th and 17th. The advanced techniques workshop follows on the 19th and 20th and a new solo show opens Jan. 14th. The new year is starting off with a bang! I have a couple of private students also. I haven't had much time to work in the studio. It is a good thing I spent most of last fall working.

6" x 6"encaustic on board. SOLD

6" x 6" encaustic on board. SOLD

6" x 6" encaustic on board, SOLD

6" x 6" encasutic on board

Monday, December 19, 2011

finished encaustic painting

I finished the Pepper Tree painting today. I wish there were someway I could get an image of this that would show the layering and texture, but until I can figure that out, here is the image.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Carved encaustic

 I got my Internet back Wednesday. 12 days without was frustrating.

This is a painting I have been working on for a while. I am almost finished. My inspiration for the carving was  huge pepper tree across the street. I still am planning on adding red berries with the hot pen.

detail of layering
I finally got the layering luminosity on the bottom that I wanted. Many layers with clear medium between. I also rubbed on some oil stick then covered it with medium.

carving of leaves

Friday, December 9, 2011

no Internet!

I have not had an Internet connection at home in a week. I confess that I feel isolated without it. Right now I am sitting in a comfy chair at the Italian Coffee Company, surrounded by others busy on their computers.

Telmex, the Mexican phone company, assured me today (my third visit to them) that I will have Internet service mañana --- we all know what that means in Mexico. I also have been without a land line in 2 weeks. Interesting that the phone is seldom important, except to talk to family in the States, but the Internet --- that is a huge frustration.

I am almost finished with a new painting and will post an image as soon as possible.