Sunday, July 29, 2012

Leo the lion

I went to an art exhibit yesterday that combined powerful encaustic paintings, done by a friend of mine and ceramics created by a married couple with the combined name of DaNisha. I fell in love with this lion and bought it as a pre-birthday present for myself.
Don't you love his expression?

Friday, July 27, 2012

revisiting an older painting

I am finding some photos of paintings that I thought I had lost on my old computer. Here is one of a 6" x 6' paintings. It must have been sold, because I do not have it any more.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

O.K., I give up! Somehow the direct link to my new video has been compromised. It works on FaceBook. If you have an interest in seeing it, please go to YouTube and just type in Ezshwan.

Friday, July 20, 2012

re-photgraphing paintings

"I will never forget you"
"Street Musician in Oxaca"

"Flower Seller in Bernal"

"The New Car"
My last computer crash caused me to loose hundreds of photos of my paintings. I do have everything backed up on an external hard drive, but am having difficulty opening the images, so I am in the process of re-photographing the work I still have. I will tackle a few at a time. Here are some of today's shots.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Another day in Mexico City

 More images from Mexico City. The Musicians were outside of the Palace of Bellas Artes.
The show inside was was a marvel of early German expressionist art.  I love seeing the crowds of art lovers in Mexico, all carefully studying the work and reading the history.

I did not take photos inside the exhibits, but you can see an interior shot showing the three flours and a bit of the murals on the second floor.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mural outside of the market.

Interesting rose arrangements
Where there are Mexicans, there is corn

And more corn, chiles and lime.
Pineapple vases

Flower puppies

I got the urge to get out of town Thursday and decided to go get a city fix in Mexico City. It was a quick and easy decision since bus travel is luxurious and I get half price because I am a "retired" person. that also allows me free entrance into the museums. I researched on line the happenings for the weekend and was thrilled to find that a festival of flowers was opening on the day of my arrival in San Angel, one of the many zones of the city. After a long taxi ride, because of the stop and go traffic, I was dropped off at the park with the white tents. It didn't take long to discover that the displays would not be ready until the next day.

It was a bit of a disappointment, but the next day, I went to the huge wholesale market in the city to see miles of flowers and arrangements.
It is not often that flowers can be mistaken for stuffed animals. I walked the market for an hour and still did not see everything. Who needed the festival of flowers? Here was a ocean of flowers to experience and it happens every week. The quality of the photos is poor because I used my iPod camera, but you can get the idea.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I am in a "holding" pattern at the moment. I spent so much time formatting the manuscript for Kindle - (and there are still errors) that I am not sure of the next direction for my painting. I cleaned the studio yesterday. That is a start. I have posted some figurative paintings. Perhaps it is time for some abstracts.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 minute pose, charcoal pencil

15 minutes - charcoal pencil

15 minutes charcoal pencil.

I started drawing in ink. That way I couldn't get too picky with the quick sketches
I went to a life drawing session yesterday. I was a little rusty since I haven't worked from a live model in about 5 years. I warmed up with some quick sketches and we ended with a few 15 minute sketches. I'm definitely going to make this a regular practice.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Angel with his mother and father after the service
 I had the honor to be invited to Ángel's first communion. He is the son of my house keeper, Lupita.  Ángel has MS and was not expected to live this long. He is almost totally physically incapacitated, but his mind and creativity is outstanding. 98 children received their first communion in one of our many temples in San Miguel.

A couple of hours later, I attended the fiesta to honor Ángel. I experienced a warm, embracing welcome that will remain as a beautiful memory.

Still working on formatting my book for Kindle. It has been 2 weeks now. It is not easy.
Lupita and me

Ángel waiting for his mother to cut the cake.

The entrance to the fiesta was intimating. This aunt chose to inch her way down.

These couple of tables comprised about 1/3 of the family gathered.

A toast with candy

dishing out the jello drink to go with the cake

I was one of the early arrivals and when I asked about a baby in his mother's arms, she handed him to me - to share the love. He was 23 days old. In Mexico, newborns are not secluded, but passed around to be kissed and loved.