August 2014 |
On this occasion of my 80th birthday, I am offering my memoir,
Fireworks at Dawn,
It's never too to late to live your dream for 99 cents. This offer is good for one week.

I have been a working artist for 60 years. I left art school (University of Illinois) with a major in painting and advertising design. almost impossible to do, but I doubled up classes.
I went to work in the art department for a publishing company because I knew how to use an airbrush. That was a long time ago. Photoshop has taken over all the hand work we had to do.
Way back in 5th grade, I was so busy drawing my classmates, I almost didn't make it to 6th grade. I still think drawing is more important than math. (It was called arithmetic in those days, and my father stayed up many nights helping me finish my workbook so I could get out of 5th grade)
My fascination with faces caused me to study face reading. It is said by the time we are 40 years old, we get the face we deserve. The length of our nose, the width of our lower lip, the spacing of our eyes all tell the observer who we are and what kind of personality we have.
The new classes I have been working on will be an extension of my interest in faces.