I love nothing more than being able to have uninterrupted days in the studio. It has not been possible for a while because of an armed hold up of my daughter with 3 other people leaving the Mexico City airport. Fortunately all the passengers are alive, but suffering stress.
Also I taught for two days this week and could forget all the problems the robbery created. I love sharing encaustic techniques with eager participants in the workshops. A double delight is getting to meet people I would not have met isolated in my studio. See my workshop blog:
Here is a new painting I have been working on. I know what I want to create, but I have to struggle with my habit of loving to paint portratis and not get picky with these faces. Off and on I have worked on this for 5 days. It is not finished and I may get to work on it a bit more before I leave for the Yucatan next week.
Day one. Acrylic washes |
day two laying our patterns in oil |
day three, more placement |
Day four. I started painting with my hands to soften the figures |
Finally getting the softness that I am seeking |
oil sticks and more painting with a gloved hand. |