Thursday, May 24, 2018

I Had A Good Start. Painting My First Abstract

When I was in art school, where I majored in painting and minored in advertising art, I was such a young, full of myself art student that I was sure that I could continue to ace all my classes without spending the 3 hours in class that was required. I often spent the first hour at a coffee shop with my boy friend talking about "deep philological questions and solutions"

When I did show up for class, the first semester was a breeze for me. We only could work in black and white; pencil , charcoal and ink. I appreciate my classical training. We drew every bone in the hanging skeletons, I carefully rendered each kernel on a corn cob, and worked from plaster molds.

Pencil drawing of a pot done in 1952

This was fun for me. I didn't understand why everyone couldn't draw. People asked me,  "how can you draw like that?" My casual answer was, "just look at something and draw what you see". Not so easy for everyone. It took me many years to understand that most people just look at things, but do not see them. Drawing can teach people to really see.

I now offer an online course drawing and painting faces:

 I finally did get my comeuppance in the second semester when a professor taught me more than all the rest of my time in art schools. Our assignment was to paint our first abstract painting...

 It was so long ago that strict rules applied to all freshman girls living in a sorority. I got caught talking on the phone after 11 pm and was punished by the sorority leaders by grounding me for the weekend.( I Can't imagine that happening in this era.) I used that quiet lonely time to work on the assignment.  As I worked on the painting on the floor of my room, suddenly I understood negative space, painting around objects and creating shapes that were more interesting than the still life.  (I painted in Casein, the water-based paint before acrylics became popular.) I was thrilled!

Upon entering the art lab on Monday, I proudly approached Mr. Lunch, my favorite teacher to show him my finished painting. He said, "You have a good start" I couldn't believe my ears. I was dumbfounded. What else was there to do? Sensing my defiant mood, Mr. Lynch poured paint on my "finished painting"

After another 6 hours of working and taking crying breaks in the hall, I approached him again and meekly asked, "Is it finished yet?" He said, "You have a good start" I was too exhausted and humbled to cry when he continued, "Do you realize how few people in this school ever have a good start? You won't get an A on this one. And, don't get married!"

The painting. It ended up in the year end show as an example of the best freshman work in the school. i got a B- on it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tomorrow is the day

It will be interesting to see who comes to our open studio/ pillow show room tomorrow. It is off season in San Miguel, but I am hoping that San Miguel regulars will stop in. 

Many of the pillows have been moved from the upstairs show/work room to be placed "on site" downstairs. 

I plan on doing an encaustic demo. I actually got my studio clean after last week's workshops.

We have also been busy with pets going to the vet. Our rescue dog was neutered yesterday. We have been caring for her for almost 3 weeks and the problem is that we have fallen in love with her. She is the dearest dog I have ever met and I pray that she will be in a loving home soon. Our old Boxer has skin cancer and an infected ear, and I fear my old cat is ill and wanting to leave this planet.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Open Studios

I am looking forward to opening my studio and Cynthia Hamilton's show room on May 16th. You and your friends are welcome.

Joaquin Piñiero, a well know local painter woking in mixed media and encaustic will also have examples of his work here. Joaquin was my first encaustic student almost 14 years ago. He has taken the medium and made it his own in his strong, personal art.

There will be 20% off of any of my available paintings and 20% off of the Once Upon My Pillow, one of a kind, eco-friendly, hand embroidered, decorated pillows. The sale is good for that day.
I offer time payments, without interest.

directions to studio/gallery: