Monday, July 18, 2016


I had worked for weeks getting ready for last weekend's sale. I pulled out every painting I had in storage and the stacks and revisited years of work. Many of the paintings were left from gallery shows. I took home any that had not sold and put away, forgetting about them.

Each painting that I inspected brought back memories and still carried the feelings I had when I made the work. Some were delights and a couple of others I put aside to be painted over.

My assistant and I retouched the edges of the cradled boards and I lovingly polished the surface of the encaustic paintings.

I pulled out drawings that I made in the late 70"s of jazz musicians at various festivals and recording studios. I had a rack of small paintings and prints that I expected would be the big sellers. The sales exceeded my expectations and only the bigger paintings sold. That was a happy surprise.

The best part of the weekend was meeting new collectors and seeing old friends.

I am now relaxing with my second cup of coffee before I rearrange the walls and put back my collection of art from other artists.

Thank you all who came, took time to really look at my work and purchase. I love being an artist and I expect that I will be back to working on my new series soon.

Here are images of my newest work. I need help with what to call the series. Can you help?

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