Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Painting With Cold Wax and Oil.SOLD

The finished painting

The second day

            The painting pictured above was sold before the paint was completely dry. 

My work is in the Vandiver Gallery in the popular La Aurora that is the largest concentration of contemporary art galleries and design studios in San Miguel de Allende. It is housed in the trendy Fábrica La Aurora, a remodeled raw-cotton factory on the north end of town. And I am painting there everyday for the next two months. It is a good thing that I can work and talk at the same time.

I am paintings on small pieces of gessoed canvas, that I put in a white mat when finished. I also am working on abstract pieces. I'll photograph them and share later.

I am there Wednesday through Sunday. Since the Internet connection in the  Gallery is next to impossible, I have been working on small cold wax and oil paintings. There ventilation is not appropriate to use encaustic. When a painting sells, we have to leave the gallery and go to the coffee shop so I can access PayPal.

Along with wpainting everyday, I am getting to practice Spanish with the gallery visitors. I need to perfect the Spanish explanations of the technical aspects for painting with wax. 

I realized that many of the Mexican visitors to the gallery speak English better than I speak Spanish.

I am looking forward to teaching more workshops in cold wax, and of course encaustic. Even though, at this time. I don't have much time to work on social media , I did get my workshop blog updated:  

Follow me on Instagram. I post everyday. @eschwanwinding

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